Thursday, September 3, 2020

How to Write Perfect About Me Page on your Website or Blog

Hey, if you're creating any content online, doesn't matter if it's on a blog, or a podcast, or a video channel, or maybe even on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever, you need to focus on having a great About or Bio section. 

Usa, Business, New, Friendship

It's really important you nail this down because a lot of people go to that to understand whether or not they should continue to follow and consume your content. 

So, we're gonna work through five different factors to make sure that you include on your About page exactly what it needs to to get people to follow and subscribe to you. And if you haven't done this yet, you know, it's about time. It's About page time. It's about--just stick around, you're gonna learn some stuff. 

Alright, number one, the first thing you need to have is an amazing hook. What is a hook? 

A hook is a way to really capture a person's attention right then and there so that they'll be intrigued to keep reading down that page. If you don't have that great hook, you have all this amazing stuff after that, if you don't have the hook they could leave and never come back. Alright, so there are lots of ways to hook an audience. 

The first way, questions, ask questions where the answer will be (laughs) where the answer will be a yes. Meaning, like, are you somebody who blank? 

Do you typically feel blank when you blank? So, really understanding the pains and problems of your audience in a way that, when they answer these questions in their head, they're gonna be like, yeah that's me. Uh-huh, yep, I do that, okay. This might be a page that'll actually help me. So, asking questions, a great thing to do to start off your About page. 

Next, and this isn't really for social media, because you don't have a lot of room usually. But if you are on your website and you wanna have a great hook you can tell a story. So tell a great story right from the start. Something that really resonates with that person. Again, making it relatable based on the pains and problems that they have. 

You wanna show that you understand exactly what this person is going through because, like Jay Abraham says, if you can define the problem better than your target customer, they're gonna automatically assume that you have the solution. And you can do that by asking questions and having them say yes, or you can do it by telling a story where their story and your story have a matching intersection. 

Now, don't ramble or go too long with a story. You wanna get to the point really quick where a person can understand oh, that's just like me. So don't ramble on and go too long, but telling a story's great, 'cause we as humans are just fine-tuned to really pay attention when a person's telling us a story. Alright number three, you can create what's called an open loop. 

So, this is really handy because people don't like it when things aren't finished or complete. Now, that's not to say you're never gonna finish or complete this open loop. I'll give you an example in just a second. 

Laptop, Wordpress, Wordpress Design
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But it is to say, okay a person gonna be interested and intrigued, their curiosity meter's gonna go up, and they're gonna be like alright I need to find out what's going on here. You can say things like well hey I've discovered an amazing way to do X, Y, and Z. Before I give you all the information about how to do that, make sure you keep reading, because I wanna tell you a little bit more about what you can get here. 

Now there's a lot of other ways to create hooks and also ways to combine these kinds of things together to really reel a person in and have them continue to read on, and subscribe, and follow what you do, but as long as you have a hook, then that's a great start. So let's keep going with the next part of your About page or Bio. 

Alright, so the next section that you wanna make sure you include, let me erase this really quick, is you need to make sure you understand, and the person who's there understands the benefits. Benefits, not the features. Not here's what you're gonna get, but more so the why, 'cause this is what real people want. The benefit is what a person will get if they stick around. 

And the best piece of advice I can give you is to focus on the transformation. I love this word transformation, I use it whenever I create any sort of content, blog post, podcast episodes, videos, I wanna understand okay, where's the person at, but then how can I help them? The transformation is that thing on the other end of what it is you're offering. The outcome, if you will. Now in terms of the transformation, it's just really important to note for the person who's on that page, or reading that bio, well, what are they gonna get as a result of sticking around? And then by starting with the benefit, then you can add the features one after that. 

Hey, I'm gonna show you how to make more money, save more time, and help more people, too. And this is how I'm gonna do it. So, we're kinda flipping the switch. A lot of people typically add the features first and then go into the benefits. But I love to just share the benefits first, because then a person understands well, okay I'm gonna get this outcome. I don't really care how I get it. 

Well, obviously you do, but then you go into the how after that. So it's kind of the Simon, right? 

Like start with why and then kind of pull out from there into the what and where. And, finally, another really important factor related to the benefits and the features, is making sure that you share for this person what makes you, and the way you teach these things differently. 

There's a lot of people that likely want to provide, and do provide the same outcome and transformation to people. How are you gonna do it differently? That's really important to note as well. Alright, next up, and this is really important, you wanna make sure that you show people some sort of proof. In sales, in trying to get anybody to subscribe, the proof is a really important factor in having a person understand that yeah, okay, I can trust this person. 

The proof used in this fashion, because likely a person hasn't really gotten into your stuff yet at this point, the proof is kind of just part of the first impression that a person might have on your stuff. If they come across your stuff and they see that you've been featured on certain publications, if you have these accolades, if you have, you know, awards as a result of what you've done, then they're gonna be more likely to dig deeper. Now those forms of proof are important, and they are helpful to share with others, but you can take this a step further by showing proof, if you have any, of how you've already helped other people, too. 

So, on your About page and even in your Bio, you could perhaps pinpoint certain people, or groups, or companies that you've worked with that you've helped. Now there are lots of different ways to show proof. You can show proof in the form of videos, videos are probably the most powerful form of testimonials, or if you have any other people share kind of how you've helped them, that's great. If you're a speaker, perhaps, it's great to have other conferences, talk about how well you did on stage, that sort of thing. The videos are great. 

Written testimonials are good as well, but I think to take that one step further I would also include images. Anything to break up the text on that page, again if it's on your website, makes a big difference. And people can see you, people can see how you do what you do, or what you've done for others. And that's really important. 

Alright next up we have, and this is one thing that I have really understood that works really well for me, because I know I have a good one, and that is a personal story. 

Now you might have told a story already like we talked about earlier, but this is where you get a little bit deeper about how you got to this point. Why are you the person who's writing this website? What is your mission? 

And I know, for example, I have a great personal story that really resonates with people getting laid off, starting a business, being successful after getting laid off, and falling through a state of depression. It really resonates with people, and a lot of people connect with that, but more than just the story and the outcome that comes along with it, that's relatable. 

More so it just has a person on the other end realize that you are a real person, too. And the thing is people wanna do business with other people, not websites, not profiles, not even companies. But people wanna do business with other people. When you can show your personal story, something that's completely unique to you, it's gonna help you stand out from everybody else out there who's just making noise along with you. If I were to offer one side tip, one piece of advice, it's to really nail this down, practice it, share it on stage, write it a number of times, really hone in on how you can best tell your personal story. 

Because that's gonna be an amazing tool for you to build a relationship much quicker. Alright next let's talk about something really important that's tactical. It's gonna help you actually grow your business from your About page or your Bio, and that is an opt-in form. Or it could be a link if it's on, like, social media. 

When a person's reading about you and they've gotten to the end of this thing and they're like yes, I like this person, this person's speaking to me, I want more. This is the perfect opportunity to include an opt-in box on your website, on your About page and a lot of people don't do this. I actually picked up this tip from Derek Halpern from Social Triggers who actually just emailed me one day and he said, Pat, you should have an opt-in box on your About page. I guarantee you it'll increase your subscribership. 

So, I didn't have one, I put one on, I did have an email opt-in in the side-bar of my website at the time, but not directly at the bottom. A clear CTA, call to action, to get more email subscribers. And by just simply adding it in there, I increased my email subscription rate by 477% on that page alone. 

So, it does work and there are lots of different ways to do it. You can offer a lead magnet or some incentive to go along with it, which I would recommend. People don't want more emails, so don't just say like subscribe and get more emails, or subscribe for my newsletter. 

That typically won't go over as well as if you had something that relates to them and their problems, and pains, and struggles, that you can offer to them for exchange for that email address. Now out of all these things probably the best thing I could do, to sum up, what makes a successful About page is to make sure that you don't make it actually about you the entire time. Yes, your personal story will be in there and all those kinds of things, your testimonials, and all those things are in there, right? But it's mainly about the person reading the page and how you can best serve them. So, I wanna put the ball in your court. 

I wanna ask you how are you doing in each of these five realms on your About page on your website or perhaps the bios that you have here on YouTube or any other places that you have information about you online? If you cover these five things in there, especially the call to action at the end, it's gonna help you grow your business, help more people, and build a stronger relationship with those people who can then dive deeper into the content that you have to offer and help them with. 

So, if you're up to the task, number one, hook me up with a thumbs up. But number two, also leave in the comments section below which one of these things was missing or maybe underutilized with what you have going on? 

Maybe it's all five, maybe you haven't even started an About page yet, in which case now you have a structure to make sure it's gonna be great, but of the five things which one do you feel that you just needed a little more work on? I think a lotta people are gonna enjoy hearing that well, they're not alone in this process. 

So thank you guys so much for listening and watching this. I hope you just crush it with your About page, 'cause it's truly gonna help you moving forward. Especially when it comes to building those important relationships with your audience because relationships are everything. 

So make sure you subscribe to the channel below hashtag team Techy Hydra for the win. I appreciate you guys, and again, if you haven't subscribed yet do so below, hit that notification bell so you know when new videos come out and I'll see you in the next one, cheers.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Best Hard Drives For Video Editing and Storage? SSD vs HDD in 2020 Techy Hydra

Do you want to speed up your video editing? One of the best ways is by improving your hard drive speed and in this video, I'm going to be sharing a few tips on the best hard drives for video editing and storing your media and video files. 

Coming up. Hey, what's up, Abhishek here with Techy Hydra. Bringing you the best tips and tools for building your influence with online video. And on this channel, we do a lot of strategy videos as well as tech gear reviews and tip videos, just like this one. 

Hard Drive, Open, Industry, Capacity

Let's jump into the tips. So I'm super pumped because Western Digital is sponsoring this video and Western Digital, of course, is one of the leading brands in this space and I've been using the products for decades, literally. Whether that's PC builds or in my laptops and they've always worked out great for me and lately, I've been using the WD Blue drives in my setup. 

So when it comes to video editing the organization and the storage of your media files are very important. Everything from your workflow, all the way down to your hard drives and storage solution and having multiple, and how they work together. And every piece actually matters and can improve the performance of your video edit. Especially if you start doing 4k or you want to do some After Effects or Cinema 4d motion graphics, or even just adding effects to your footage. 

You've probably can relate if you've been editing you know when things slow down or when they don't go that fast and believe it or not hard drives play a big role in that. Solid-state drives on the other hand are typically smaller. The capacity usually is not as high and they usually are more expensive. 

However what's been cool is that the price of solid-state drives has been coming down, their capacity has been going up and this WD Blue line is actually a super affordable solution for solid-state drives. Now I actually use a combination of solid-state drives, traditional hard drives, and even external drives inside of my video editing PC build. But in order to get the fastest speed possible I've been using SSD drives for the video editing and actually working projects, and I've been using traditional hard drives, which again are much larger or more affordable, for just storing and backing up footage. And here's my biggest tip about workflow and having the maximum speed for video editing. I actually use three drives. 

The first drive is the operating system. 

So I'm running Windows on a PC here and that's installed on an SSD drive that runs Windows, it runs Adobe software, and Adobe Premiere, which I edit off of, and it is dedicated just to software and the operating system. 

The second drive is dedicated just to the working files and the temp files from the video editing software and so that's something that you can go into your settings and actually assign where the files, when you're actually editing are stored. And having those separate from your operating system speed up video editing. 

But then there's actually a third solid-state drive for the media files themselves, so if we go and do a shoot and shoot a bunch of 4k footage, all that footage will go on that drive, then that footage will be pulled into the video editing software, and then Premiere will create those temp files and whatnot, and then the software is run off a separate drive. So if you want to increase your speed of video editing consider a three drive workflow and this can even work in a mobile situation.

Data Storage, Ssd, Hard Drive, Memory

My laptop has a drive with the OS installed, it has a data drive that's separate, and I can also use an external as well and that could be the third drive. And staying organized with a workflow like that, allowing each drive to handle each of those pieces of the workflow will produce massive results that if you've never tried it before, I would love to hear how it goes for you. And for that three drive workflow, I've been using one of these Western Digital Blue one terabyte SSD drives for my video files and my media files. 

Now, I love this Drive because I've been doing a lot of tests with it and it's introduced some really cool technology and one of those things is, it's called 3D NAND. Now what that basically means is that in the past they're trying to pack all this data in solid-state drives but it was horizontal. 

It was as if it was ramblers in a neighborhood, it was a bunch of one-story houses and what happened was they just kept trying to get him closer to closer and closer together and there weren't very many gaps between, if you will the memory modules or whatever you would call them, and thus there would be some faults and some errors and sometimes the drives wouldn't perform. 

So what 3D NAND started to do was essentially made skyscrapers, made towers, and so instead of just going horizontal, they started going vertical with that data storage. So that actually means a lot of things for performance. First of all, this drive is blazing fast. On paper, it's rated for 560 megabytes per second read time and 530 write time. Now I actually benchmarked it and it came in at 488 58 on the road and 433 on the write. 

Still incredibly fast and of course there are all kinds of different things that potentially go into those actual speeds. And so when you compare that to a traditional hard drive, I benchmarked one recently and it came in at about a 123 megabytes a second read time and a 130 write time. This solid-state drive is three to four times faster than a traditional hard drive. So you're gonna experience crazy speed for everything. Additionally, 3D NAND technology helps the drive consume 25% less power than other drives. 

Hard Drive, Usb, Connection, Hardware

Now if you use that in like a PC build or some kind of a desktop setup that's not as important but if you were to use this in a laptop, everything counts when it comes to that power draw so that can give you some battery life extension. This drive also has an industry-leading mean time to failure, which is how drives are measured basically how long they're gonna last, and it also has several error-correcting technologies. So the bottom line is it's super reliable. 

Now these Western Digital Blue SSD drives come in a couple different sizes. There's a 250-gigabyte version, a 500-gigabyte version, one terabyte, and also two terabytes. This is the one terabyte version and at the time of shooting this video this comes in right around 280 dollars here in the U.S. Of course check out current prices on the various sizes. 

It's cheaper if you go smaller and it's more expensive if you go larger. And actually, another popular use case for solid-state drives is gaming systems. In fact, after this video, this particular drive is going to go into my PS4 Pro. 

I've heard killer reports from people saying that the games run faster and load faster if you use a solid-state drive, especially one that has a performance like this. But that's it for my three drive solid-state workflow but let's talk about a couple other drives that I use in my setup. When I'm done with working on a project but I don't necessarily want to move the files to a full archival backup solution, I'll go to an internal drive as we mentioned that is a traditional hard drive because you can get larger sizes for cheaper prices. 

And actually, the drive inside of this computer over here is also a Western Digital Blue drive but it is a hybrid four terabyte drive and hybrid means it's a combination between a traditional drive with some SSD features. And what's cool about that is you still get speed, you still get performance, it's not as fast as a solid-state drive but again the speed doesn't matter as much.

I just like having a little bit of speed for transfer and things like that and so that 4 terabyte drive that lives inside of that computer comes in at right around 109 dollars here in the U.S. on Newegg at the time of shooting this video. 

And so you can see the price discrepancy there but there's also the speed discrepancy and so when things are just used for backup or archival, speed doesn't matter as much so I definitely recommend internal drives that are much more affordable with the larger sizes. 

Which are typically found in traditional hard drives, not SSDs? And then finally for additional backups and archiving your video files in your media files, I like to use external hard drives. 

Now I actually did a whole video about that and I'll link that up on the YouTube card as well as the description below, but I recently purchased a brand new drive that I'm super pumped about that's from Western Digital as well. 

Now, this guy right here is a 20 terabyte external hard drive. Pretty crazy because it fits in a relatively small package for the size and what's cool about this is you could use all 20 data stripped and that basically means it's a raid array that'll make both drives run, basically twice as fast. Inside of here is traditional hard drives, not SSDs but when they're rated together you'll have 20 terabytes of space, blazing speed, or if you want to use it for backup you can actually mirror the drives so that one is backing up the data and the other drive is backing up that drive. 

So you could have a lot of peace of mind if you just want a drive to offload your footage to and know that it's backed up. And what's cool about some of these new drives is that you have USB 3.0 plugs here but also USB-C plug on here as well, with blazing fast speeds for a lot of modern technology. And so definitely a piece that I'm excited to integrate into my workflow. I've been using external hard drives and I'm excited to kind of consolidate them and move to this one soon. 

So there you go that's kind of an overview of my video editing storage and workflow and definitely check out the YouTube description where I will list out some additional details and product specifics of the exact things that I use in my setup. Question of the day, what are your tips when it comes to video editing workflow and what are you currently using for storage, for backup, for how you're editing your content. 

Let me know in the comments section below and remember some of the best tips and feedback come from you, the Techy Hydra community. So definitely connect with everybody in the comment section. 

So thanks for checking out this, subscribe for more just like this. And if you want to check out some other videos in our video editing series just click or tap the screen right there. For another video from Techy Hydra, just click or tap the screen right there. 

Until next time, Techy Hydra is bringing you the best tips and tools for building your influence with online video. Keep crushing it and we will talk soon.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

What is SQL ? The Basics About SQL that You Must Know

What is SQL?

We all know data is all around us. We used to store data on paper in big filing cabinets. But eventually, we store them online in what we call databases. How do we easily pull the data we want to look at it? 

That's what SQL is for. It's a language that communicates with databases. Welcome back to TechyHydra. Your easy insights into Bob's big data and artificial intelligence. 

Coding, Programming, Working, Macbook

SQL stands for the structured query language. People call it SQL or Sequel. 

In short, SQL is the name for a language that is used to communicate with databases. Databases that store your data. If you want to pull, edit, add information to a database, you can use the language of SQL to do that. 

But how does SQL work? Think of a database like a warehouse. Data tables like filing cabinets and data like files. This warehouse or database stores data. The warehouse database was built using coding languages like C++ or C or Java. 

Now imagine regular Lego people need to access the files. How do they do that? Option one. You could have a storefront built to the warehouse so that customers can ask for files, add files, delete files, but eventually, this means you are building something that takes a lot of time, money. In the real world, this is the equivalent of building a whole app just to access the files in the database as to all comes in, which is the second option, SQL. 

This is like you hiring a specialized delivery-translator. Her name is Sally Sequel. She knows how to talk to the database and she knows how to speak in the language of SQL. So if you learn to speak SQL, then you can ask her to get files for you. Okay, so how do you speak Sally's SQL language? 

Here are the requests you can make. If you're a Lego Mayor and you want to know the name of your citizens, you'll ask Sally SQL, select name from lego_people.

The request you select the name, that column from lego_people, which is the name of the table. Or if you're a Lego doctor and want to know the name of citizens that are higher than three centimeters, you would ask Sally Sequel to select a name from lego_height where centimeter is greater than three. 

She returned two Lego people, Sarah and Craig because their centimeters are greater than three and she pulled from the name column within the table called lego_height. Or if you're a statistician and you want to know both the height and age combination of citizens but this data is stored in two separate tables, here is what you'd say to Sally Sequel.

Not all tables are found together, Sally joins the two tables because what both two tables had in common, the names column, she was able to join the two matchings by the names in each table. But you can also do other things. You can add data. If you want to add Joe, whose age 12. Or you can update data. Make Joe 13. You can also delete Joe altogether. From creating tables to joining tables to altering tables, Sally SQL could do it all. So here are three things you need to remember about SQL. 

  •  SQL is the one language you probably should learn. If you are in business or marketing or sales or anything that you wouldn't normally think you need to learn to code, SQL is the one language you probably should learn. The reason why is because most companies nowadays have an online presence and are keeping records of data on a database. So the more you know how to communicate to this database and pull data, the better you can be at your job because now you can pull the data, analyze it. 

  • SQL languages have variations. Different companies with different data SQL databases have different SQL syntaxes. They're a small variation. So it's the equivalent of having different Sally SQL Barbie with different accents. Three. SQL only speaks to a specific kind of database called a relational database, which is essentially a database that has a tabular schema. So it's a lot like a data table with rows and columns. 

Next time you hear about Sequel, just remember Sally Sequel. 

Comment down below if the company you work for uses Sequel to pull data from the database. Thanks so much and I'll see you the next time.

Monday, August 31, 2020

What is HDMi? High Definition Multimedia Interface Types of HDMi Cables

Today we are looking at HDMI what it stands for what it does and white seemingly taking over the AV industry.

Hi, I'm Abhishek from Techy Hydra and today we're simply asking what is HDMI a nice simple question.


Hdmi, Connector, Cable, Plug, Technology

Let's see if we can make the answer nice and simple -

First off what does HDMI stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface and HDMI is probably the most frequently used HD signal interface for transmitting both high-definition video and audio over a single cable.

HDMI is used both in the commercial AV sector and is certainly the cable of choice for the home entertainment market as we all try to connect more and more devices such as digital TV DVD blu-ray Xbox Playstation Apple TV and more into our television so we're seeing more and more home AV devices being connected using this simple effective HDMI cable.

But now we're also seeing HDMI featuring on laptop and PCs for instance and therefore also becoming a standard for the corporate and commercial markets for education presentation digital signage and retail display how does it fit into our AV system. We're simply using an HDMI cable to connect the output from our HD source the blu-ray player and the Skybox etc to the input of our HD displays whether that be your TV commercial screen or projector all the way up to a multi-screen video keeping the technical sight nice and simple.

HDMI is a digital interface single-cable solution for combined HD video and audio replacing analog solutions which require separate video and audio cables such as VGA audio jack now we're all used to seeing the standard 14 mil version of HDMI with a type-a plug or male connector on the cable and type B or female socket on our connecting device but there are also many micro versions of HTML.

There on the market to smaller and smaller devices such as our smartphones and tablets increasingly become our personal HD AV sources distance wise there are limitations to HDMI transmission and we would recommend when using a category 1 standard HDMI cable that the lengths are limited to probably no more than 10 meters it is high-grade.

Adapter, Converter, Dvi, Gold, Hdmi

Category 2 HDMI cable is available using which we can successfully achieve cable lengths of up to 15 meters after that there are a number of options to increase the distance of your HDMI signal using HDMI switches and repeaters or using the latest HDMI over CAD cable or HD based II technology both of which can extend your signal to an incredible 100 meters over standard cat 5e 6 or 7 Ethernet cable.

These systems require specific transmitter-receiver devices all of which we look into in great detail in other videos on the how-to AV video Channel so that's HDMI HDMI cable certainly one-off if not the interface of choice for combined HD video and audio connectivity click on the screen now for even more HDMI know-how and remember if it's AV and it's worth knowing you'll find the answer at how to AV TV thanks for watching and see you again soon.

Types of HDMI

Today's question comes to us from Karen she asked which type of HDMI connector do I need for my laptop to answer Karen's question based on her picture the laptop has a micro HDMI port meaning she will need a micro HDMI cable so which HDMI cable is right for you so let's get you some of the measurements.

So you can use to help determine the correct cable that you'll need there are three types of HDMI cables the standard or type-a HDMI cable the mini HDMI cable or type C and a micro HDMI cable also known as type D.

A standard HDMI connector supports bandwidth to support all SDTV EDTV and HDTV modes it is about 0.55 inches wide the connector dimensions are thirteen point nine millimeters by four-point four-five millimeters this cable is most commonly used for HD TVs and displays a quick side note when looking for a standard size HDMI be sure you're not confusing it with a DisplayPort.

A DisplayPort connector is very similar in size to an HDMI connector but the shape is different HDMI connector has a dog ear shape on both ends whereas on a display port as a flat side in an angle on the other end mini HDMI is intended for portable devices and is smaller than the standard HDMI the connector is about 0.41 inches wide the connector dimensions are ten point four two millimeters by two-point forty millimeters most commonly used for laptops in tablets and the smallest is micro HDMI it measures about 0.23 inches.

This connector is about 5.9 millimeters by 2.5 millimeters most commonly used for tablets smartphones and cameras if you were to line them all up you would see that the shapes of the connectors are very similar but the widths of each are very different and if you're still unsure about which cable you need for your device.

Well just give us a call or email us here at cable wholesale we'll be happy to determine the right cable for you thanks for joining me today in our Q&A series we'll see you in our next post.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Evolution Of Laptops History of Portable Computers । Techy Hydra

Hey guys Welcome to the techy hydra, I'm Abhishek, and today I will talk about The evolution of laptops and portable computers. 

Lost Places, Office Building, Destroyed

IBM 5100

This was the first portable computer the IBM 5100. Here it's shown powered on and attached to an external monitor. Although weighing 55 pounds, it was much lighter and portable than previous computers

Xerox note-taker

The Xerox note-taker was a bit more portable and its keyboard folded out to reveal the screen is employed. What was then highly advanced technology including? 

256 kilobytes of RAM and a 5 megahertz Intel CPU, Launched in April 1981. 

The Osborne

The Osborne one is recognized as the first laptop computer. It was the first commercially successful portable computer costing eighteen hundred dollars weighing 25 pounds and shipping with a large bundle of software


Later that year Epson released a tiny battery-powered portable computer that traded screen size for convenience. 

It was hailed by Businessweek magazine as the fourth revolution in personal computing. And create a few problems.

HX 20

Unless it's the new absent HX 20 notebook computer. It does what most computers do without power. With a built-in screen and printer, you can do real computing and word processing anywhere

The grid compass was the first portable computer that resembled our current laptops.

Because of its high price and specialized application. It was mostly used by the US government.

NASA used it on the space shuttle during the early 1980s as it was both powerful and lightweight and

The Special Forces used them for their ruggedness and use of solid-state memory.


The TRS-80 sold through RadioShack was popular with journalists.

They could type about 11 pages of text and then transmit it for editing using the built-in modem. Radio Shack's revolutionary model. 100 computer it's a word processor phone directory and dialer it even communicates with the office computer.

Commodore SX 64

In 1984 the Commodore SX 64 was the first portable computer to feature a full-color display screen. It weighed about 20 pounds and sold for nine hundred and ninety-five dollars. It shipped with 64 kilobytes of RAM and a one megahertz CPU. It did not sell particularly well but became popular with user groups and software developers. They could quickly pack and unpack the machine to use for copying software or giving demonstrations.


The IBM PC convertible was the first laptop to use the three and a half-inch floppy disk format.

Which went on to become the industry standard?

Like modern laptops, it featured power management and the ability to run from batteries.

SLT 286

The SLT 286 was the first battery-powered laptop to support an internal hard disk drive and a VGA compatible LCD screen. 

It weighed 14 pounds in 1989 the NEC ultralight was considered to be the first notebook-style laptop since it weighed less than five pounds. It was priced around five thousand dollars and shipped with an 8 megahertz CPU.

After the failure of their first laptop, Apple reworked the concept and released the power book line in October 1991.

They immediately caused a stir in the industry with the dark gray cases and the positioning of the pointing device. It will let you run ms-dos software. It will let you run Macintosh software. It will let you run away.


In 1992 Olivetti developed and released the first laptop featuring a touchpad.

The position near the base of the screen was the norm as most applications were text-based and did not require a pointing device.

That same year Olivetti released a smaller laptop the cuaderno. Capable of audio recording while the computer was off an almost instant boot up. It shipped with a 16 megahertz CPU one megabyte of RAM and 20 megabytes of hard disk space.

The concerto

The concerto was the first convertible laptop. It had a detachable keyboard pen and touch screen. 

But the touchscreen-only worked with the special pen-like today's tablets. Most of the electronics were housed with the screen. This laptop was definitely ahead of its time.

In 2002 the portage 8 was the thinnest laptop to be developed at only three-quarters of an inch of the thickest part.

It also featured the first 1.8 inches hard drive on a laptop.

TC 1100

The TC 1100 had a very unique design it was a hybrid laptop that included a touchscreen stylus and tablet mode.

Unfortunately, Windows XP was not a touch-friendly OS hampering its success.

Like the concerto, this was another laptop that was ahead of its time. 

Asus 701

Asus released the 701 in October 2007, which was the first netbook on the market. It featured a 7-inch screen an Intel Celeron M processor and a 4-gigabyte hard disk.

Yoga 13

Yoga 13 was one of the first modern hybrid laptops taking advantage of the Windows 8 touch interface.

The name yoga is a reference to the unit's design which allows for different configurations.

Razer Blade

The Razer Blade was the first true portable gaming laptop at point nine inches thin and weighing 6.5 pounds the blade Pro was the most portable 17-inch gaming laptop in its class.

The yoga book

The yoga book hybrid laptop brought even more functionality in 2016. By using a digitizer panel as the keyboard. The user was able to draw write and type on the same panel.

The trade-off was the lack of haptic feel and feedback when in keyboard mode. The 2018 version of the yoga book now uses e ink for the keyboard panel.

Asus is currently working on project Precog which consists of a dual monitor laptop similar to the yoga book but without the limitations of e ink.

Both could be used as monitors by connecting an external keyboard. Or both monitors can be used for gaming or for presentations. 

In laptop mode, one monitor is used normally while the other is used as the keyboard or control panel.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Free Blog । Good or Bad। Wordpress v/s Weebly v/s Wix v/s Blogger and Tumblr Comparison ।

Should you go for a free blog that's a question that I'll try to answer on this episode.

Hey, we're ready what's up Abhishek here and I have these really really great questions thanks for from one of you guys that you know I think it's a great question which is should I go for a free blog.

Wordpress, Blogging, Blogger, Editor

Free blog

When I'm starting out should I go for a free website when I'm starting out what I do not have a website should I go for a free blog a free platform and you know free platform free blogs they are really enticing they're really you know they cut your eye because you know if you go to blog or Blogspot Tumblr those are free platforms that will allow you to set up a free blog in minutes and you know there are a bunch of people that I know successful entrepreneurs that they've started with their own free blog like Seth Godin.

For example, he started on TypePad which is another free blog and I think it's already it's still on TypePad by the way which is great.

Now the question that you need to answer is what I'll be using the blog for will it be to promote your ideas will it be some marketing strategy will it be your life and blood of your business will it be for your company what do you want one what do you want to do on the blog do you want to just spread ideas like Seth Godin does you want to capture emails do you want to do retargeting campaigns or maybe all of the above.

Alright so those questions are really important when you're setting up your first blow and should you go for a free blog because here's the deal free blogs are convenient they are easy to set up they do not cost a dime but there's a coast hidden costs a hidden fee associated with that which is which are rather limitations you will be really really limited in the number of things that you can do with a blog so for a sample if you go right now to Symantec Mansouri calm or Hernan Vasquez calm or rather blog or nan Vasquez calm those are self-hosted blogs.

Blog, Letters, Word, Font, Internet

What does that mean that means that we have our own domains we're having on hosting and we have our own installations, okay and that's like if you're trying to get real ninja and real really advanced with your marketing techniques with all of the little pop-ups and the capture pages and the capture boxes and you know the culture actions and the videos that you can implement and all of that kind of things which are really cool it's super hard to achieve that on a free blog.

Okay because on a free blog you do not have access to hosting you do not have access to a ton of things that make a blog a real professional blog okay so my suggestion would be if you're starting out and you want to start blogging and you want to get and kind of start playing with the look and feel.

For example, WordPress goes ahead and makes a worker's comp look okay to make something like your name war purse calm start blogging in there start you know posting in there but and here's a big but not a big bag with a double team a big part this is big.

But if you want to upgrade do not try to upgrade from WordPress itself okay they will offer you get your own domain they will offer you get your own hosting do not do that because you will be limited for life-like literally because if you have like earn a Vasquez calm and I have it in WordPress there are a bunch of things that I cannot do.

So the minute that you want to upgrade to something like more professional to something that has your own domain that something that will allow you more freedom with what you can do and cannot do just migrate to new hosting and start you know you can migrate you can actually migrate all of your content so it's not lost but just start blogging on our own platform you can install your own WordPress installation on your own hosting account and you can start from there.

Okay so again if you're starting out if you're newly or you haven't blogged before or you have a website but you're not entirely sure if you could be blogging like once a week just go ahead you know and start with your own WordPress com Tumblr blogger Wix Weebly but have in mind that at some point you will need to progress from that and you will need to have your own hosted solution.

You do not do it on your own you can hire somebody to do it but just have that in mind okay so that there are no surprises after the fact okay there are a bunch of things that these companies will tell you that you can do that you cannot actually do because those are limited okay and they're free what can what do you expect all right so get the credit card out of your ass and start paying for things I'm just kidding.

But anyways guys I just wanted to touch base on that real quick because that's a recurring question that I have been having and you have any other pressing questions you know those questions that cannot you know they don't leave you to sleep like should I get a WordPress blog or not Oh what do I do if that's your case, not these pairs just drop them in the comment below take them out of your mind into the power of the Internet the YouTube power and I'll try to answer them to the best of the extent of my experience.

Alright guys, so I hope you lo love these videos if you do drop me a comment drop me alive like subscribe and you can also join the Facebook group and I'm going to leave all of those links on the description below.

Thank you guys for reading.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

How Much Time does it take to become Software Engineer or Developer । Techy Hydra

♪ Rolling in the deep ♪ ♪ I learned coding on the streets ♪ ♪ You don't need a degree ♪ ♪ To become a ♪ ♪ Software engineer ♪ How long does it actually take to become a software developer? And how long does it take to actually get your first job? 

Today I have a comment for you that will actually answer all of those questions and more, so without any further ado let's jump right into it. This is Abhishek, also known as Techy from 

This article is taken from Clever Programmer just for education purposes.

Screen, Technology, Computer, Indoors

Now today I'm gonna read to you that comment, but first of all, I do wanna say this is day seven of the challenge that I've been doing, and this is also video seven so I'm committed to making one video every day for the next 30 days. Now, as a motivation for you and some accountability for you, I am doing that and letting you know. So if you wanna use this time to code for 30 days in a row, you may do so alongside me and you can tag me in stuff too on Instagram posts and I will reply to you. I'm really active on Instagram so my Instagram is right here, techyhydra. 

Go to my Instagram, add me, and then you can actually tag me in your posts where you're coding every day for let's say 20 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever it may be, all right. So let's jump into this video. I'm gonna read you this comment now. This comment was made on one of my videos and that video was called How I Learned to Code in Less Than 2 Months. Really amazing video, go check it out. 

So Jon Story says, "Today was my first day as a developer slash programmer slash designer "however you wanna call it "and this video gave me the courage and the strength "to start a new career as a self-taught developer. "And I just wanna say thank you for the inspiration, "it's been a long journey, "it took me almost two years, "not two months, to get to this point. "I started around June or July 2017, and today, January 28th, 2019 was the very first day of my first job in the industry. "Just like Les Brown says, "One idea can change your life, ""One idea can turn your entire life around." "I come to the same video where everything started. "Thank you, Clever Programmer, for the inspiration." 

So this was a pretty monumental moment, and it was a really incredible comment to actually have the privilege to read, and I'm gonna be honest, like, when I was actually walking around and I got it, I was somewhere outside, I saw this comment and it brought tears to my eyes. I almost wanted to like, cry, I got really teary-eyed and I messaged everybody I knew, I made a post on Instagram and everything and then I sent him a reply as well. I just thought it was so inspiring that he'd come a full circle. The video where he started, that gave him that inspiration to actually become a developer, he came back to that video to actually leave that comment. 

It was really remarkable and for me, it was like, if my YouTube channel had any purpose, like that alone for example could be worth it. Even though we have so many people who have similar stories where they become a developer, but even if I could help one person even be inspired to do that and go on that journey, it's like my job is complete. All the blood, sweat, and time and effort I've put into building a Programmer is completely worth it. So that was an amazing moment. 

Now, what do you get out of that comment? 

That video I made, I pushed for that you could actually become a software developer in two months, you can become a software developer in three months. And I learned actually code in two months but in the case of Jon, it took two years, actually two years, maybe just a little bit less than two years to really, actually get his first job. For everybody it's gonna take a different amount of time, all right? And now it also has to do with how much time are you actually able to put in? 

Let's Talk About it

Woman, Programming, Glasses, Reflect

Most people really are able to put in a few hours a day, maybe a few hours a week because they have prior commitments, different responsibilities, some of you might have kids, jobs, bills to pay, things of that nature. For me to actually get my first freelancing client in as little as three months and I share that story, it's because I also had no life at that time. I mean, I did, but I also didn't, right? So you have to understand that I personally was living with my parents at the time, I had lots of support, I had a financial safety net, I didn't have kids to take care of. I mean, I was still going to college and I was still working a lot, and I had to create time and I still managed my time really well and I was productive, but there were many, many, many, many days where for example, when I wasn't going to college or I had a little bit of break I had the luxury to spend 15 to 18 hours a day to code. 

So when I shared those thoughts about you can become a software developer in three months or two months, or you can at least get your first job at that time, I feel people take it the wrong way. And I think what they understand from that is that it's actually really easy to become a developer and he's saying that you could do it overnight. And that's actually not what I'm trying to tell you. 

What I'm trying to tell you is becoming a developer is very hard. 

  • If you are looking to do this just as your side income, don't do it because it's gonna be really difficult to-- like there are many other ways you could earn a side income that is much easier. Like for example, look up dropshipping and learn how to use Amazon for that. Or use Uber or Lyft and it'll be much easier to actually get a job and start making side income. But get into this field if you're fascinated by it, if you find it interesting, and if you feel inspired by it.

  • If this is something you can see yourself doing every day. With that said, if you are spending one hour or two hours a day it's gonna take you a long time and for most people, in Jon's story, it will take two years. So the majority of you by default, statistically speaking, it will take you two years or longer to become a software developer. It's a long, arduous journey. It's exciting and it's amazing, it's beautiful. Like you could tell, when he got his first job like it made everything worth it for him. But it is a long path. But if you are able to compress those hours instead of spending one hour a week or two hours or three hours a week, or just one hour a day. 

If you're able to compress that timeline and just put in a lot more grind time it is very possible for you to achieve lots of those goals earlier on, okay. So this is why I push freelancing 'cause the barrier of entry is lower and I was able to start earning an income three to five months into my programming career. I also became really good at that time and again, the reason was 15 to 18 hours a day of coding. So it makes me a statistical anomaly, but my obsession is crazy. The same thing I did when it came to chess. When I was learning how to play chess, it takes people an average of 10 years to hit the USCF rating of 2,000. It took me about three years, three and a half years to actually do that. What happened is that there wasn't any like a weird secret that I did, I just had put in a lot of time and energy into it because I loved it and I was just obsessed with it. 

Your timeline could look to give you a realistic idea from three months, rare. Three months you can get your first freelancing opportunity, I wouldn't even say the full-time job. Maybe you could get an internship if you have a lot of connections, right, but you have to push yourself and it is possible. But I wanna give you more statistical facts in this video. So three months. You have the timeline between three months to two to 2.5 years where you could become a developer and you could get a job, all right. This is a very realistic, I hate that word, realistic, but I know a lot of people want to know what's realistic because they can only do realistic things 'specially with their times and responsibilities, so. 

Between three months of being very aggressive and then 2.5 years 'cause that's plenty of time. You have that window of becoming a software developer. With that said, I also wanna tell you that you should pick your language and what you're gonna be specializing in because you wanna kinda see what's gonna be happening two and 2.5 years later and if you look at the predictions and the way different languages grow it's gonna be a very major determining factor in what language you should go for. I mean, even though languages aren't that important, the ideas and what you do with them is more important. For example, if you pick C++, C# then you might get better at lots of the things that you do with that language. Like, for example, let's say you pick up Swift and you start learning mobile development, right? Swift is more predisposed towards mobile development. 

If you might spend a lot of time there and then later you're like I wanna become a web developer, you will need to spend a little bit of extra time to then learn the web development skills. Instead of picking something like JavaScript, let's say, right at the start of your journey where you not only learn it but then you're improving the skill set. So by the time, whether it's six months, one year, two years for you, you have this skill set of being a web developer, right. Because JavaScript is just more predisposed towards web development. 

You're obviously gonna need to learn other languages as you're improving, that's just a natural process, but I'm just saying which language you should kind of push towards a little bit at the start. I personally love Python, this whole channel I always talk about Python so I'm obviously gonna recommend Python to start off with. And even when you look at the trends and the 2019 predictions and the upcoming years. So let's say if you're starting your journey now, and you're kind of a beginner, might take you 1.5 to two years to become a developer if you follow the realistic timeline. In that journey, if you're doing Python web development or Python development in general, just understand that the trend for Python is going really, really high up. 

And 'specially with machine learning and lots of data visualization and data analysis, Python is killing it in that regard. And those things are gonna be very, very important for AI in the upcoming years. You can expect Python to continuously just be growing at a tremendous rate. I mean, it was Googled more than Kim Kardashian in 2018. 

Know what I'm saying? 

All right, so with that said, I will say have that timeline, have that timeframe so you understand what is going on. To compress it, put in lots of hours and have a solid game plan of what you wanna be doing. Instead of haphazardly just picking random tutorials to learn from, actually be building projects. And if you are building projects and you're working on a few long-term projects and as you learn new concepts you keep adding them into your projects, you keep taking those projects and putting them up on your GitHub where recruiters and people can see it.

If you're focusing on your LinkedIn, your online presence, and your resume, and you constantly have all these ways of getting people's eyes on your project, you can keep compressing that timeline from two years to earlier and earlier and earlier. Another thing I always talk about is also being able to build those relationships and going to local events, local meetups where you could have access to internships and job opportunities long before you actually ever need them. 

And by the time you're even remotely ready you have people who you've built relationships with who will think this person is perfect, I can bring this person, train them, I've seen their hard work, I've seen their dedication, I've seen that they love coding and they've been consistent, let me bring this person in. I can just teach him. 

  • Let's say you're doing Python and they have a job opportunity for let's say Java or JavaScript or something in web development, they'll just bring you on and teach you that, right. They know where your skillset is, they know how long it'll take to show you that. They also know you're reliable. So you might actually get a job or internship or freelancing opportunity just a few months into your career. I hope this gives you an idea and I hope I have provided you with a few tips. I suggest you go back to the part where I gave a few tips and just write them down 'cause they are very powerful. And I do wanna let you know I have a program coming out very soon in probably a week or two. 

It's gonna be called Earn 1K With Python and the idea behind that program is to show you the eight steps that I used to become a software developer and get my first job in less than four months. In less than three months, all right. Right around that timeline, I got my freelancing opportunity, and that's where my career started taking off. I'm gonna just distill all these points, give it to you in a very simple, easy to understand fashion. And this course is all about transformation, not information. 

There's gonna be more stuff for you to do but it's gonna be very results-oriented and each week we build on so that you can then have a strong foundation to become a high income-earning software developer. Whether that's $60,000 for you or $70,000 but my goal is to give you a very strong foundation to be going towards that six-figure mark. And with this program, my hope for you is to earn your first $1,000 with Python, and then hopefully that'll give you enough momentum to keep going and growing a lot faster. 

Thank you so much for reading this article. 

I love your face, and if you wanna get emails about my upcoming course which is gonna be coming soon, and you want to have access to this epic three-part masterclass I've put together as well, then go to I've put the link in the description below as well, just click there and pop in your email. That way when my course comes out I'll let you know, and I'll also give you access to my epic three-part masterclass. 

That's it for this post, thank you so much for reading. I love your beautiful face and as always I'll see you on the next day. Take Care...

Saturday, August 15, 2020

25 New and Best Youtube Channel Ideas and Topics with No Competition in 2020

In today's time, growing YouTube has become so much tough it is that much tough to crack an IAS exam by 10th class student.

Mean so much competition over there you may be expert in any field you have best skills in photo editing video editing you have good knowledge of mobile or you have any other skills you teach good, you do good comedy but as you search You Tuber of your fields then they will be in millions of number not only this their subscriber is also in millions. 

Youtube, Laptop, Notebook, Online

Then will you able to grow a new channel I don't think so because you will have to face so much competition only after that you can grow so how good is that, you make a new channel which is completely unique. With a new idea and competition will be zero in that not only this in the upcoming 5 to 10 years your content should not fall down and it always goes on it is hard to find this.

But For all of your solution, today I came with a video after 4-5 day research were I going to tell 25 unique topics which are very new unique no competition and in upcoming 5-10 years no one going to beat them and if you follow all these now, then your future is going to be bright here I will tell you 25 channel ideas but if you understand them carefully then around 4000-5000 topic will come in your mind so friends the hard which I am doing in this video the concept which I have to apply here then your duty is to support and love this video so please watch the video till the end let me tell you all bullet point 1st is...

Awareness and Sympathy

You may have seen actor Varun Paruthi you have to make videos like that create such a videos.. who is sympathetic that make people emotional by doing this, your video will get full watch time and people will share them much as they can and in upcoming time this content future will not vanish friends.


2nd channel idea is very amazing if you have any shop whether you have saree shop or coat-pent shop or whether you have slipper and shoe shop or home appliances anything except these you don't have to do nothing much anything you have to make a video of 5 minutes by presenting anything you have and upload it to YouTube-like if you are working in any shop you have to close the shutter of the shop and shoot a 5-minute video of mobiles of your shop if you have saree shop you have to tell everything about that you have to present you're done you have to upload the video in YouTube and palace your Whatsapp number in its description anyone who want to buy from there so that he can buy it.

Food Making

In current time this type of channel in YouTube is very less to see and if you start something like this then your channel will grow at rocket speed friends the 3rd channel trick is very amazing you just have to make any food in the home and record it anything means anything now its depend on you what you make and that food you have to feed someone in public like a prank type no one has ever try this kind of prank you make food in the home, a record that in camera and feed that food to someone, while recording is ON this may be your preplan or if you want you can do a prank, is well its depend on you but once you start making this content then this content will stop in future friends.

Film, Filmstrip, You, Tube, You Tube


4th channel trick is very unique in today time life of people become very busy that we ourselves don't know what we are eating what we are drinking how we are living and what we have to follow so here if you start telling schedule per day start planing people life then your channel will be watched in helplessness means if I don't know what I have to eat today means someone has diabetes then which diet he has to follow if someone has sugar, then which diet he needs to follow you have to plan diet by knowing every disease and you also have to make a plan for normal people by doing this what happen, your video will watch in many numbers because, in today time, people mainly have a problem in this now friends. 

Students Help

5th channel trick is something like that I will also start watching your videos means how can you do effective studies board exam are going to come how to prepare for board exam pre-unit are going to come, how to prepare them means you can start telling about the unit test, weekly test, monthly test according to the channel are very less related to this content and this content will watch most of the time now you think yourself if any student addicted to your unit test videos and he get benefits from your video then why he will miss your videos so you can start making videos on this topic prediction of running this channel are very high friends.


Next channel idea is very unique where you can open "Care" channel not customer care here you can show how parents can care, husband care, wife care, or the children which are older than 10 years you can open channel on this you can tell them in routine how to take care of there children how to secure your child how to avoid them with bad habit how to take away from diseases same like this a husband for his wife, and wife for her husband can give tips these tips run very well it may be funny to listen but in reality, this content is very unique more to be seen you see after trying you will tell benefit to me, friends. 


You can create a channel on "How to organize" where you will tell how to organize your school bag, how to organize your wardrobe, and those points which every child like to watch because how to manage school bag better, how to manage books, how to manage tiffin, you will get to see very fewer videos on this topic in YouTube and it is very unique means if this video will go to someone then 100% he will watch it so you can start your video on this topic is well friends. 


Next channel idea is very amazing here you can make videos like how to decor your home, your bike, your car, etc means here you can tell people to decorate the kitchen in the low budget can tell them best gadget they can use decorate a room, a bedroom you can make videos like this these video are watching in millions so this is a very unique idea and will always run you must try this once friends, after listening.


Next trick maybe a smile come on your face you have to roast, but not any human, you have to roast a proper meal like coca-cola you have to put out the disadvantage of that like Kurkure you just have to do backbiting you just have to start roasting the popular brand which has millions of follower you don't believe... in coming time you will get sponsorship is well just try once you will get 100% benefit friends.

Song Translation

Next trick you may get to see some videos on YouTube means videos related to "Song Translation" if you have any Marathi song than translate it to Hindi if you have any Punjabi song then translate it to Hindi and you have to write lyrics in Punjabi, English, Hindi you don't need to play any song in the background simply you just have to speak in Punjabi and translate it into Hindi by speaking and in English, by speaking you don't have to trouble with copyright you channel will monetize and it gave a value also think yourself how fast your channel will grow so you can try this idea friends.

How to

The next channel idea is very very unique that it contains will go in millions and content will never end what is that?? you will start telling... How to become an Army man, how to become police officer, how to become a peon, etc all these things run in India same like that you have to make a video on every different field you can't imagine how many videos will become currently no one is telling right about these videos. 

So currently, you can try this and now which I am going to tell you can make you laugh actually if you are a boy or a girl and you can do romance means you have very good knowledge on love tips you are a student of college so you can also in cash this there is one channel "Love Tips in Hindi".

So that channel is very good sometimes I also watch it videos so think, if you target the adults and start telling love tips and you really have skills that you can tell people what to follow what not to follow then you will get faster growth rate in this field because every guy going to watch your video so definitely you can try this field but only do when you have skilled it is not like that you have nothing skills and you start teaching others friends.

Screen Help

Next channel trick will go to take your time means too much time but here you don't need research your time will consume only in making content, not in research you have to make videos to put the sim card in mobile how to take out the sim card from mobile. How to connect wifi how to connect hotspot these kind of video you have to make means you have to pick those point that no one can think of by doing this you have to make all videos here you don't have to show your face you can teach everything by just enabling your screen recording you can upload more than 10 videos per day that easy is this work definitely you can try this, and after a long time you may get to see the benefit I do not confirm you can try this according to your awake friends.

Money Management

Currently, you will not get to see any videos related to "Money managing and Bank managing" how to save your tax and money you get such a channel that starts telling you money management like how to invest your money in a home where to invest how much food to buy all thing will start telling in % so maybe it will be very beneficial so if you have skills to do managing you have studies commerce, by the way, I don't have knowledge regarding this so you can start your channel on this in this you will get to see very large growth rate and competition will very low Friends.

Travel Guide

Next channel idea, here you can become a travel guide but after going to a micro reach means you start following street food or you may go to some particular shop you like only eating Biryani means hold a micro reach and only work on that go at separate places during traveling go into some micro reach and start telling about that like I want to go Shimla and I don't know how can I go Shimla.

But if I search on YouTube "How to reach Shimla" and I will get a video in which everything has been told like you come from auto it will charge this much if you come from bus then it will charge this much if you come from Aeroplane then charges are this everything, if I found after leaving Auto you have to walk 10 meters this side, 15 meters this side you will get this ahead. If you get all these things in YouTube then how interesting it is and if you upload this content video then your video will run 100% and will run for a long time it never stops to definitely you can also try this field.

Fake But Funny

Next channel idea is very different do you ever listen about Fake it India channel name if you haven't listened then let me tell you you just have to make completely fake videos and clearly mention that this video is fake this is just for entertainment purpose you have to make videos like... Coronavirus has just come so you can make a video like this mosquito suffer from Coronavirus and he cut 10 more people and they also get infected you can make videos like these which are completely fake you don't have to apply and concept just make a video on anything that comes in your mind people watch these for their entertainment but you got the cash you are growing so definitely you can try this field friends.

Equipment Operation

Next concept is very unique you can make a video not only 1 you can make 1000 videos "What inside it" if you take an IC break it zoom on it and can show people what inside it same like this if you have a gadget break it and show people what inside that gadget break the battery and show it break the cell and show it by doing this, but mobile will also start coming to you you start making something which people like to watch means break the battery of iPhone X and show it almost equal to selling a kidney don't try something like this but you can make the video of "What inside it" by breaking the gadget which is in your budget you can make a lot of videos those videos will run very fast on YouTube friends, now which I am going to tell you this content videos can go in millions of views how will it go? 

Movie Review

Here you would get many videos of review on the latest movie means in 5-10 minutes. It tells everything about the movie but no one will tell you about Theme same way people can tell you about new movies but those movies which are 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years older no one tell about them so if you start guiding that which movie people need to watch and in which way and also tell the theme of the movie in that video means tell the theme of complete movie when what happened when the suspense create start telling all things then those who are fond of watching movies will start watching and downloading the movies by watching your videos and you can generate a healthy income from that Friends.


In next channel idea what we are going to manage is Time means in today time like any housewife or any gents and you already know how much they love to watch TV serials if any ladies are in your house any children they are fond of a TV serial that much that they watch TV first instead of eating food means watching TV serial. 

Anything could happen like this so what you have to do in this case per day 30-minute serial or 1-hour serial tells about that serial in only 2-3 minutes and upload that video on YouTube per day you just have to give a lecture and upload that video your work is done whoever did not watch serial will watch your video they will watch your video and they're done. 


You can make videos like this you can do the same work to cartoon serials means the cartoon episode Like Tom & Jerry by the way Tom & Jerry is very old you can't tell anyone about it episode but Chhota Bheem, Doraemon, etc You can tell them, whatever there new story come you can upload videos on YouTube in which you can save people time by telling them the whole story in 4-5 minutes they are getting a healthy value and your content will watch always Friends.


What is the next channel idea you have to capture photos from your mobile or DSLR and record the visuals after that you have to make a merged video of those you have to speak in starting 10 seconds of video and 10 seconds in the last of the video you have to tell the term and condition for using your footage you're done you can upload these videos on YouTube and per day you can put as many videos as you want you can sell anything in that photo you can sell that by using shutter stock remaining, all depend on you Friends?

Video, Template, Website, Youtube


The next channel idea which I am going to tell you will be helpful for all of you you have to work on Micro Niche let me teach you by an example if you are a housewife then you don't have to do extra thing the item which is in your kitchen you have to order more item and you just have to work on that like best pressure cooker same way best microwave you just have to work on the kitchen and tell everything about kitchen if you do this then only those people will watch your video which is interesting in kitchen videos later on you can start reviewing gadget you will never run out of the content same way you can pick up any field and goes in it micro-niche pick up one thing and work only on that Friends. 

Students Help

There are many channels on YouTube which are preparing student of 10th, 12th for competition exams but very less to see such channels which prepare student of 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th with the same level of preparation that gives to 10th and12th students so if you start something like these channels complete guide student, take live classes then your classes will run more as a comparison to those because 10th and 12th class student mainly goes to tuition but most of the student of these classes do not go to tuition and will watch your video more. 

Unexpected Challenges

So definitely you can try this field is well means the study of secondary school you can try that Friends, next channel idea which I am going to tell you if you get to do 1 video viral and you settled in the heart of the people then your every video is going to be viral "Unexpected Challenges" means you have to follow those challenges about which you can't even think like... eating 1 kg green chili eat 1kg bitter gourd directly in front of Camera you have to follow such challenges. 

And you have to upload these videos on YouTube by recording them directly in front of camera people themselves try these challenges or not but will definitely see while you doing please follow this as I say it is not necessary to show eating 1kg chili you can try anything.

Agriculture & fields

Now friends, "Agriculture & fields" category very less channel to view on this content I start myself in 1 month I had 4000 subscribers you can think by yourself how much low competition is in this also in Today time so if you have knowledge of Agriculture and fields so you can start telling about that and Friends, the last channel idea.

Problems in Every House

I am going to tell you is very funny you have to choose a completely unique topic like how to cheat in exams in boards or you can make videos like how to handle your angry mom or you can make videos like how to get full marks in the exam without study means some different, amazing topics about which everyone can't think if you make videos like this definitely your video will viral so friends, these are today 25 topics if you follow these ideas today or after some days then your channel will grow 100% because all these ideas are new, unique, are of less competition and will save future.

So if you like the video then press the like button and if you are seeing me the first time and still watching me after this long video it means you have like this video so subscribe to our channel and press the bell icon. 

That's it in today's post I will see you on a new day till than Bye-Bye Take Care.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

50+ Blog Website Niche Ideas 2020 (Profitable and Proven Demand)। Techy Hydra

Hey, this is Abhishek from 

And today, we're gonna be talking about 60 niche blog ideas. These are topic areas that you should choose to blog about with proven demand. 

Blogging, Blogger, Office, Business

So these are going to be niche topics that are already researched. They have real blogs out there already making money. So it's proven that people know how to monetize these topics and readers want answers. 

So let's get started. 

Now, the most important thing to keep in mind when you're considering a niche to start a blog about is whether or not other people share that interest with you. Because if it's an interesting area that only you care about, or a small number of people care about, chances are it's gonna be difficult to monetize. Now, if you want to start a blog for a hobby or as a reason to just diary and chronically an adventure you're going on, then that's okay. 

However, we're talking about niche blog ideas that have real true proven monetization potential in this video. First up, let's talk about some money-related niches because there's always, always, always room to teach people how to do better with their finances, right? That's a major area that a lot of people leave the house without learning much about, in my experience. So, first up, personal finance. 

Now, this alone could be considered a niche, though it can get relatively broad. So within the umbrella of personal finance, there are tons of other micro topics that you could have entire blogs about because there are so many subjects that could be covered and lots of questions out there for readers. So within the personal finance bubble, we could be talking about a niche like getting out of debt, responsibly using credit cards, how to earn more on the side, ways to set up smart investing programs with your salary earning. 

So should you get a 401k? Should you be investing in mutual funds? That kind of blurs over into the lines of investing. So the stock market is an entire topic area for which lots of people don't know much about it. And if that's an area that you are educated on or have to experience in, then there's an opportunity to teach people those skills and gather that experience for them. 

So within investing, stock market, you can then spill off into something like frugal living or minimalism, right? So you're getting how being a niche isn't necessarily this very definite thing. Like many of these ideas will sprawl into other topic areas that are somewhat related. 

Blog, Internet, Web, Technology, Media

And so that gives you some flexibility too, with your blog topics, to not necessarily be locked into just one definite topic area. You could sort of cross lines into other areas that are somewhat related. Small business marketing advice, tax tips, digital advertising, sales coaching. These are all massive niche topic areas for which you could write about for years and years and years, or create videos on, right? Tons and tons of topics you could cover within these broader niches. 

So you can find a more niche within; however, these are great niches to start with, and then as you start publishing content and growing, you'll also learn from your audience. So it's always good to keep in mind that your niche is something that should be a little bit flexible as time goes on, and you learn with your audience what they want, what they crave more of. 

Healthy eating, nutrition, general health and wellness, spirituality, meditation, yoga, recipes, and meal prep advice, exploring restaurants in your city or general area, exploring restaurants in different countries and major cities around the world. This can really sprawl out in many different directions. Running, hiking, trekking, climbing, mountaineering, skating, biking. 

The list goes on and on as far as outdoor activities that have very substantial online audiences, always seeking for advice, gear recommendations, tutorial content, the list goes on and on. Within the travel niche, there are tons of specialized niches that you can get into from there. So backpacking, luxury hotel stays, solo traveling, traveling as a couple, how to travel with kids, the best destinations to visit around Europe, staying in luxury hotels, the list goes on and on and on. 

And there's plenty of ways to monetize within the travel space as well. There are hotels that have affiliate programs. There's plenty of credit cards and travel-focused credit card companies that want to reward you for bringing in new customers for them. 

And so there are lots of affiliate programs in my list link below. There's a ton of travel-focused affiliate programs you can consider joining. And that's not to mention selling your own destination guides, or releasing presets for how to edit beautiful photos of your trip. So lots of potential in that niche. In the fitness space, there's also a ton of opportunities to specialize in more specific niches. You could go, talk about weightlifting. you could pick any endurance sport that you have experience with. 

Hopefully, you love it because you're gonna be creating a lot of content about it. You could talk about training for athletic events. If you're running a marathon or cycling long distances, there are lots of possibilities there too. Photography is its own entire niche with tons and tons of specialized places to go within that umbrella topic. So you could do outdoor photography. You could specialize in portrait photography, wedding photography, and naturally, there's a way to monetize with selling your own services as a photographer, to those that find your blog and wants to hire you to shoot their photos as well. Talking about sports, basketball, baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, tennis, golf, hockey. The list goes on and on. 

There are large established audiences already for these sports. They love fan gear. They love learning how to play the sport themselves. There are lots of opportunities to monetize those types of topics as well. Parenting is a niche that has lots of opportunities within it as well. You can specialize in advice for solo parents, parenting while traveling the world, for example. Advice for fathers specifically, advice for mothers specifically, lots of little specialized opportunities in there.

Action movie critiques, discussions around popular television shows like Game of Thrones. Huge online communities existed that were very, very popular, just to talk about Game of Thrones fan theories. Self-improvement, book reviews, productivity, career advice, interview tips. You can move into relationships, marriage advice, psychology, science, physics, astronomy. 

The list goes on and on and on. And I hope that these little ideas for possible niches that you could explore will plant the seed for something that you can go take and make your own and start your own blog about. And remember, the most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a niche for your blog is that you're proving to yourself that other people already exist out there who are searching for answers on this subject matter. You don't wanna start a blog that only has you as an audience. 

Now, that could be a good recipe for a personal activity; however, if you want to build a business around your blog, there need to be real people out there searching for content already. And that's proven by doing some of this research, and you wanna do keyword research to make sure that there are at least thousands of people searching for these topics every day. Now I want you to go ahead and click the link below this video. 

There's a step-by-step tutorial over on my blog that'll teach you how to pick a niche blog idea that's right for you, and actually validate it out there in the real world to prove that this is a subject that you can actually build an audience around, and then eventually monetize. 

So let's keep the fun going.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

International SEO Country Code Top Level Domain ccTLD Guide 2020

What's up, everyone. Today you're gonna learn about country code, top-level domains, or ccTLDs. Internationalization is basically what this is. 

We're gonna talk about everything that's important around country-specific domains, whether or not you should buy them, what the implications are for localized and internationalized rankings in Google and other search engines. 

Stay for the whole post. We're gonna get deep into the details on international SEO here. 

I'm Abhishek with, let's get going. 

Domain, Web, Site, Blue Web, Domain

Okay, so country code top-level domains, or ccTLDs, so talking about international SEO here in a moment, but just a quick reminder before we get going on that. Thinking about the technical stuff around SEO and country-code top-level domains, we're gonna dive deep into SEO, but SEO is only one piece of a more comprehensive digital marketing strategy, so while it's super important and I'm a huge fan of it and I love it, don't neglect all of your other digital marketing channels. SEO is just one component. 

Then within SEO county code top-level domains are just one component of that. This is just one thing among many that you should be doing from an SEO perspective and SEO is one thing among many that you should be doing from a digital marketing perspective. Do keep that in mind as we dive in. Okay. Country code top-level domains. 

A country code top-level domain or ccTLD, this is just an internationalized version of what you might be familiar with. It depends on where you're from, where you grew up, or where you may have lived, but this differs from country to country and it's colloquially different as well. 

I'm from the US. I grew up in the US and for most of my life, I've heard nothing but .com. In Germany, very common is .de. In Australia, very common is .com, .Au, or .Au. Mexico .mx. China .cn. A country code top-level domain is just the domain extension.

 It generally has a country connotation or a regional connotation. It's essentially a domain that I can decide it signifies it's from a particular place. Websites that are ending in .de are designed for German users. Let's get into the weeds here. Country code top-level domains are the most powerful way to rank a domain or rank a page in a certain country. 

There are other ways to do it. 

I could technically get a page on our website, ranking in Germany. I would have to do a lot and talk about sort of how I would do that, but the fastest, most powerful way to do this is to get the country code top-level domain of the country in question and use that. In general, apples to apples, if you have two pages and they're exactly the same and one is on a .com and one is on a .de, the one that's on a .de is generally more inclined to rank better in the Google German version or in Keep that in mind. Google assumes that all of the content on a country code top-level domain is designed for that country is gonna buy us rankings toward that country, but keep in mind this is unrelated to language. 

This is country-specific. Documents on a .de domain or on a .fr domain, or a .com, .Au domain, those documents are designed for Germany and France and Australia but they're not actually language-specific. These are country specifications. Stay away from country code top-level domains if you're targeting global traffic. They're a huge headache. One massive problem I saw very popular in San Francisco when I first moved there in 2011, as people were getting .it version of a site, which is the Italian domain. They were either doing IT services or they made up some cute clever name for their start-up and they were ending it in .it and then they were super confused as to why they weren't ranking in search results for the United States. It's because it's a massive signal to Google that this content is designed for Italians. They were doing great on, but not on 

Watch out for this. 

A lot of people try and get cute with their domain names, and it hurts them a lot. It's also colloquially difficult for a lot of people to understand a lot of these domain name extensions. Wherever you are, whatever is kind of colloquially popular, just use that. It makes it way easier. One test I like to use, I call it the mom test. When you pick your domain name, you call your mom, you say your domain name one time over the phone, and if your mom is able to go to a browser, input that domain name, and get to your page without any clarification from you at all, it's a good domain name. If not, it's a bad domain name. 

The other version of this test is the crowded bar test. If you said your domain name one time in a crowded bar to someone, could they remember and visit it the next day. If you fail either of these tests, it's a bad domain name. Keep that in mind. The exception here is what is called GccTLDs, Global country code top-level domains where Google basically came out and said, "Okay, yes .de is for Germany and yes .fr is for France, but it looks like most people are buying certain domain extensions and they're not really targeting those places." .IO is for the Indian Ocean, but every single one is a start-up or an app. They basically said .io actually is gonna be global. .CO originally for Columbia, the same things, it's becoming very popular. 

A lot of people are using that kind of for their startup. .TV ... There's a list of a bunch of others, we'll list those in the resources down below. The basic idea here, though, is that if you're not a Global country code top-level domain, you're going to be biased toward whatever country that you actually are, so keep that in mind. Okay, let's go through a little list of how to think of this, depending on who you are and kind of what your business is and who you work for. There are a bunch of different questions you should ask yourself before investing in country code top-level domains or before investing in internationalization strategy. 

First of all, do you operate in a certain country and you have no plans of expanding beyond that? 

Are you a French coffee shop chain, maybe you have one or two retail locations and maybe you want to go to three or four, but you'll never expand beyond France. Fine. Get the .fr, totally fine, no issues there at all. Go for that country code top-level domain. Do you operate in multiple countries? Maybe you're in the US, in Canada, maybe over in the UK, or maybe you're in France and you'll also go to Germany, I would recommend still picking on a domain, but using country codes subfolders. It's what we did at PayPal. I managed search engine optimization for two years at and everything still happened on the .com, but the localized versions of the actual web application were on country code subfolders. 

All of our Mexican content was on /MX. All of our Spanish content was on /es. All of our French content was on /fr. Basically, we had the localized versions of each country-specific site in a subfolder and all of our internationalized links and the content all that would live there. But we only had one domain. This was technically much easier to manage. Every time you're adding an incremental domain, it's tough. It's technical. You gotta do a lot of stuff. You have to manage registrations and crawl budgets, Google search console, analytics, cross-domain tracking. There's so much there. If you're just getting started expanding, picking one domain and using a country-specific country code subfolder is actually an okay way to do it. That's how we did it at PayPal. 

Web Design, Domain, Web

The big dog one is this. Are you everywhere? Do you have multiple offices everywhere? Do you have content in multiple languages? Are you a massive operation? Then you can go ahead and buy country code top-level domains. I really wanna warn against this. You wanna be careful. PayPal was even big enough that they ... It didn't make sense to them, it's actually technical reasons why it didn't make sense to them ... A story for another day. 

The point here is massive companies are still in situations where they only use one domain and they use a country code subfolder. Don't think you need to do this but you can. At Airbnb, I managed search engine optimization there, we had 26-27 different country code top-level domains. There's some very complicated intricate engineering on the back end around making localized copies of each domain. A lot of management in order to do all that. 

Lots of different versions search console and analytics. Do keep that in mind. But, it's a fantastic ranking signal. All of our content was translated by local translators and on that country code specific version of the domain, it's great for search engines. It's great for users. It's extremely expensive and very difficult to maintain. Do keep that in mind. If you're not gonna expand at all ... Just to summarize ... If you're not gonna expand at all, stick with the country that you're in. If you're expanding a little bit or you're a start-up that just wants to deal with a lot of the technical overhead, pick one domain and build up country-specific versions on the subfolder. If you're a massive operation and you're willing to invest in all of the behind the scenes infrastructure you need to keep multiple versions of the domain up, then go ahead and buy the multiple country code top-level domains. 

That's it. That's all there really is to country-code top-level domains or ccTLDs. 

I hope that was useful. If was helpful and if you learned something today, go ahead and click subscribe down below for even more digital marketing tactics and tips from us. If you're on YouTube, we would love a comment. 

What'd you think of this? Are you back and forth between whether or not you should pick up your country code top-level domain? Would love to hear from you. I read every single one. 

Finally, if you want a super-comprehensive SEO checklist from us that includes internationalization and all the technical stuff you need for country code top-level domains, go ahead and click that link below to to get your free SEO checklist right now. 

Thanks a lot.