Saturday, July 11, 2020

5G in India Launch Date - Jio-Airtel Testing Completed 2020

The Internet, 5G, Technology, Free

Hi Readers, welcome to Techy Hydra.

We are going to talk about, How far 5G technology is possible in India.

Lets see whether it is reachable to common man soon.
Jio already started working on 5G projects and promised to rollout in India.

Also may Network giants and mobile chip processor manufacturers like Qualcomm have started producing and launching 5G supported chips in Latest Smartphones. 

There are multiple high end phones now supports 5G

In such a fast world, if you ask me is 5G possible in India ?
In my style, I should say YES it is possible, but it takes so much time.

If you ask the reason.

India is still progressing in technology and finance when compared to countries like Japan / USA.

There are lot of gaps that needs to be filled here in India. 
Lets see what are the challenges now

Before we proceed lets see the difference between 5g and 4g.

In early 1990s 2G was introduced at that period the maximum data speed was just 0.1 mb.
After almost a decade we got 3g which supported upto 8Mbps.
In next few years we got 4G, which supported up to 100 Mb speed
And now in 2020 we can expect 5G to evolve upto 1 GB.
That is 10 times faster than 4G.
In common man terms, if we measure, if a movie takes 5 minutes to download in 4g, u can download the same in just 5 seconds in 5G.

In today's world, India is the largest consumer of Data Especially after the entry of jio, Zillion TB of data is being consumed here.

Previously we used internet only in PC & laptops but now not only mobile, even our smart watches, fridge, washing machine, AC and many more things are using internet in the name of smart home, smart technology.

The Internet, 5G, Technology, Free

So after such a huge demand of data, we need a better bandwidth like 5G, which could support our demand there is no doubt in that.

Though we have huge demand, we dont have a provider who could supply such infrasystem.

When jio entered the telecom industry it came with brand new technologies.
They came with 4G technology, fiber optics layings, better data centers

So, it was not a big challenge for jio to provide 4G to users at low cost but, other providers like airtel or vodafone, They are old and using outdated technologies, Old data centers. Copper cables to transmit data.

So they are not in position to compete with Jio

If you check the TRAI website you can find a monthly report stating who tops the download and upload speed.

In that jio tops the download speed till date because they dominate the industry with new technology

But even for such a giant, moving from 4G to 5G is a challenge

Because their infra needs to be upgraded, whereas other providers like airtel need to replace the entire setup, which involves huge money investment.

Just think how soon this will happen in India, If they dig a road, they will take months to close when will these technology come to our use.

Next thing is, 5G uses a short wavelength spectrum than 4G the disadvantage is 4G towers can cover a huge radius of about 5kms but 5G towers can cover only 1000 feet radius. When 4G needs just few towers in area to support, 5 G needs 100s of towers.

This needs lot of man power to install. Salary spent on them and equipment needed to install are costly.

So our telecom providers need to spend huge cost on this, which is unsure

On the other side, even if we have a affordable 5G connection

5G in India Launch Date

There is not any perticuler date conformed by any operator, but 5g is expected to launch in india in year 2021 or 2022.

Can we afford 5G smartphones??

As of now there are very few 5G phones in market you can see few of them on internet

These are affordable to common man, if they are in budget phones cost 10k to 15k in India

These latest 5G phones are above 20K, These are the multiple challenges.
Apart from these , it also affects our health to a large extent Since 5G uses short wavelength, it can easily penetrate till our cell DNA, already insects and birds are dying in 3G n 4G waves, 5G will kill them at a faster rate for sure.

Though there are no studies to prove, they can cause cancer. But, we should use our common sense. We are already experiencing issues with reproduction sleeplessness and many other health problems.

So 5G is definitely a pain to summarize, we have multiple challenges like technology, cost and phones we use we need to spend money on phones Airtel, vodafone, idea has to spend money on latest technologies

So these many changes will take a long time. Atleast 2-3 years.

For a common man use it will take more time. So before 2020 it is not possible

I believe this post was informative to you.

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